Expediting Publication of G-File Information

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Jose Chito Vela
Posts: 97
Joined: Fri Feb 11, 2022 8:16 am

Expediting Publication of G-File Information

Post by Jose Chito Vela »


The Office of Police Oversight (OPO) recently released its previously confidential disciplinary recommendations to the public. These files used to be considered G-file material and confidential. Thanks to OPO for releasing these materials. We also understand that a public information request for an officer’s G-file was also released to a requester. We are glad to see City Manager Broadnax taking decisive action to implement the Austin Police Oversight Act. The link to the OPO disciplinary recommendations is here:

https://www.austintexas.gov/document-co ... mendations

Now that the formerly confidential G-files are open to the public, we would like to see the City release other requested G-file materials as soon as possible. We understand the City has received multiple requests for all G-file material we maintain in our archives. While these requests should be processed and released as soon as possible, our concern with such a large request is the time and cost it would take to retrieve and redact so many records. This could delay the release of the records for months. CM Vela has worked as an Assistant Attorney General in the Open Records Division and understands that compiling, reviewing and redacting decades worth of records could take months if not years and cost the requester quite a sum of money.

To facilitate a quicker release of a smaller portion of the requested materials, could staff focus on compiling, reviewing and redacting the most recent years of G-file records in order to rapidly release them to the requestors? This would demonstrate the City's commitment to transparency and give the public an initial look into what the formerly confidential records contain. If additional resources are necessary, they should be made available. If any action from Council is necessary, we are ready to assist.

Please let us know your thoughts on this approach.


Chito Vela and Vanessa Fuentes
Leslie Pool
Posts: 243
Joined: Mon Jan 12, 2015 3:22 pm

Re: Expediting Publication of G-File Information

Post by Leslie Pool »

Effecting release of every file is a big undertaking, one that demands a systematic and efficient approach. I join you in asking the city manager and city attorney to brief us publicly on how they’ve scoped the work, what steps are underway and what are yet to be taken, and to inform Council of any gaps they’ve identified where we can best provide support and assistance.

In my conversations with the city manager and acting city attorney, I have urged release of a subset of files, as you describe, so the City demonstrates the shared and stated intent to act expeditiously, and to demonstrate City's commitment to adhere to the court's ruling and to carry out the voter's clear mandate.

My thanks to you, CMs Vela and Fuentes, for sharing their positions.

Leslie Pool
Mayor Pro Tem
Council Member, District 7