Item 39 - Amendment

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Atha Phillips
Posts: 16
Joined: Tue Nov 09, 2021 9:22 am

Item 39 - Amendment

Post by Atha Phillips »

On behalf of Mayor Pro Tem Leslie Pool:


In support of Item 39, I would like to offer the following amendment which I hope the author will view as friendly:

Starting on line 36, replace Council with AEUOC and change the date from 9/30/24 to 9/19/24 so that it reads as follows:

The City Manager is directed to report back to the Austin Energy Utility Oversight Committee on progress made toward the goals of this Resolution by September 19, 2024, including a list of City buildings that cannot participate because they are outside the Austin Energy service area.

Senior Policy Advisor
Office of Council Member Leslie Pool, District 7
Ryan Alter
Posts: 66
Joined: Wed Jan 11, 2023 3:15 pm

Re: Item 39 - Amendment

Post by Ryan Alter »

Thanks for the edit, CM Pool. I am happy to accept this as a friendly amendment and I appreciate your support of Item 39.

Council Member, District 5