Initial Budget Amendments and IFC

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John Lawler
Posts: 9
Joined: Wed Jan 11, 2023 1:13 pm

Initial Budget Amendments and IFC

Post by John Lawler »


Please find below two budget amendments and a budget IFC for your consideration. I want to thank my co-sponsors for their support and hope you will join me in prioritizing these critical investments in our community.

Budget Amendment 1: Carver Museum Funding and Staff
Link: ... 180329.pdf

This budget amendment would allocate $397,881 for programmatic needs in order for The Carver to continue fulfilling its essential role within the community. The Carver serves as a critical library, museum, and community center for historically Black neighborhoods in East Austin. The Carver's current General Fund budget has proven insufficient to maintain basic operations, leading to challenges in staffing, summer programs and funding new exhibits.

The increased budget allocation will be utilized for the following purposes:

1. To employ permanent staff, ensuring the continuity of essential services and operations at Carver by funding an FTE at a cost of $97,881;
2. To support the development and implementation of culturally competent perennial programs, fostering community engagement and enrichment;
3. To fund new exhibits that celebrate the history and heritage of the historically Black neighborhoods served by Carver;
4. To secure funds for emergency expenses, ensuring Carver's capacity to address unforeseen financial needs without compromising vital services;
5. To support the needs of events and programs traditionally facilitated by the MACC during its renovations.

Budget Amendment 2: County Collaborative Residential Treatment Center.
Link: ... 180420.pdf

This budget amendment would provide matching funds for a local non-profit organization providing residential substance abuse treatment to individuals experiencing homeless. These dollars should be used in collaboration with Travis County and for projects that are otherwise ineligible for the traditional sources of housing funds (such as the City’s bond funded programs and LIHTC and other state programs).

Budget IFC 1: DACC Mobile Court Pilot Program
Link: ... 180539.pdf

This Budget IFC would initiate a mobile court pilot program. No budget amendment is necessary – the pilot program directs the City Manager to have the DACC leverage existing City resources, partnerships with regional stakeholders, and community organizations to achieve its stated goals.

Posted on behalf of Council Member Harper-Madison
John Lawler - Office of CM Harper-Madison
Vanessa Fuentes
Posts: 70
Joined: Tue Jan 19, 2021 9:02 am

Re: Initial Budget Amendments and IFC

Post by Vanessa Fuentes »

Thank you, Council Member Harper Madison, for your leadership on these two important issues. I would like to be added as a co-sponsor.

Yours in community,
Council Member, District 2