Amendments to items 24 & 25 for 4/20/23 Council Meeting

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Mackenzie Kelly
Posts: 79
Joined: Tue Jan 12, 2021 2:56 pm

Amendments to items 24 & 25 for 4/20/23 Council Meeting

Post by Mackenzie Kelly »

Dear Colleagues,

I want to express my gratitude to Council Member Pool for introducing items #24 and #25 on the agenda for this week.

As a representative of a district with abundant greenspaces, I believe safeguarding our environment is crucial for the city's future and the well-being of its residents. Consequently, I am suggesting additions via amendments to both proposals.

Item #24
Amendment 1 - ... 075818.pdf
Amendment 2 - ... 075625.pdf
Amendment 3 - ... 075654.pdf
Amendment 4 - ... 075732.pdf

Item #25
Amendment 1 - ... 075543.pdf

Thank you for your time and consideration of these amendments.


Council Member, District 6
Leslie Pool
Posts: 236
Joined: Mon Jan 12, 2015 3:22 pm

Re: Amendments to items 24 & 25 for 4/20/23 Council Meeting

Post by Leslie Pool »

Colleagues, I want to thank Council Member Kelly for her support of both the items I’m bringing this week, and I appreciate her posting her proposed amendments here. Regretfully, I will not be able to support them. I have outlined some of the issues they present below:

Item 24:
Amendment 1 - this requirement would add significant cost and time to a proposed plan that is supported by well-documented scientific literature.
Amendment 2 - this amendment is beyond the scope of the resolution and the parameters of the posting language.
Amendment 3 - the resolution already includes a directive for annual updates to council on progress.
Amendment 4 - this program only applies to City projects; as is routine in City contract processes, information will be provided to educate contractors and suppliers.

Item 25:
Amendment 1 - this language is unnecessary and will only duplicate efforts already underway by the Office of Sustainability.

Again, I really appreciate the efforts put forth in the amendments, and the support expressed for both items.


Leslie Pool
Mayor Pro Tem
Council Member, District 7
Mackenzie Kelly
Posts: 79
Joined: Tue Jan 12, 2021 2:56 pm

Re: Amendments to items 24 & 25 for 4/20/23 Council Meeting

Post by Mackenzie Kelly »

Dear CM Pool,

Thank you for taking the time to respond to my proposed amendments to the items you brought this week. I appreciate your feedback and the concerns you have raised.

Unfortunately, based on your response, it appears that you are not in support of my proposed amendments. Therefore, I have decided to not circulate them for consideration at the council meeting.

Thank you again for responding to my proposed amendments.

Best regards,

Council Member, District 6