12/12 Board & Commission IFC

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Ryan Alter
Posts: 76
Joined: Wed Jan 11, 2023 3:15 pm

12/12 Board & Commission IFC

Post by Ryan Alter »

Mayor Pro Tem Pool, Council Members Fuentes, Vela, Kelly, and I plan to bring an item for the 12/12 council meeting related to boards and commissions. We have been working as a sub-quorum to review a recent audit report as well as long-standing recommendations that have come to us on how we might improve the functioning of these important advisory bodies. The item on the agenda will be a resolution that sets a process in motion to achieve important reforms and updates, but no final action is expected to take place until the new Council is seated. However, we did want to start this process now before any new appointments or re-appointments are expected to occur and allow for proper vetting and public feedback. Per the resolution, the proposals will return to the Audit and Finance committee in February for subsequent Council consideration. I look forward to working with everyone on this in the coming months.

Council Member, District 5