On behalf of Council Member Pool
As we begin the week, notifications regarding the land development code proposals for this fall are landing in our residents’ mailboxes. Those changes include the ones for HOME Phase 1 (Home Options for Middle-income Empowerment) to allow up to 3 units on single-family lots. I wanted to share some information my office has put together.
The first document “A HOME for Everyone” outlines the benefits of providing options to homeowners: http://assets.austintexas.gov/austincou ... 154303.pdf
The second is the HOME Information Sheet that simply states what HOME does and does not do along with an outline of important upcoming dates: http://assets.austintexas.gov/austincou ... 172848.pdf
The third and last document is my newsletter which talks about why these changes are so important: http://assets.austintexas.gov/austincou ... 124731.pdf
I hope you find this information useful.
HOME Information
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- Joined: Tue Nov 09, 2021 9:22 am
HOME Information
Senior Policy Advisor
Office of Council Member Leslie Pool, District 7
Office of Council Member Leslie Pool, District 7