Item 23 - Subdivisions

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Ryan Alter
Posts: 66
Joined: Wed Jan 11, 2023 3:15 pm

Item 23 - Subdivisions

Post by Ryan Alter »


An updated version of Item 23 will be posted to late backup today. After working with staff, we updated the resolution to prioritize the creation of new housing throughout the city. I am excited to bring this item to help create a simpler, cheaper process for small subdivisions.

I’d like to also alleviate any concerns by clarifying what this item does not do. It does not change the zoning of any property, nor any notification requirements. It does not change existing minimum lot sizes, setbacks, or impervious cover requirements. It does not allow for increased density where it is inappropriate or unsupported.

This item will make the process of doing small subdivisions more accessible for more Austinites across the city. It will help existing homeowners create value out of their property and stay in their homes rather than be displaced, and it will make it easier to build more affordable infill housing.
I’d like to thank Councilmember Harper-Madison, Councilmember Pool, Councilmember Vela, and Councilmember Velasquez for co-sponsoring this item to help address our affordability and housing crisis.

Council Member, District 5