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Change Agenda Office language from "Approve" to "Consider"

Posted: Wed Feb 11, 2015 4:05 pm
by Don Zimmerman
I intend to make a housekeeping motion to direct the Agenda Office to change the practice of posting agenda items as "Approve..." to "Consider and possibly take final action on...".

To "Consider" more correctly identifies what the Council should be doing. Stating the agenda item as "Approve" presumes exactly that, and since the "Approve" language was issued 3 days in advance, it should suggest that deliberation - in favor - has already taken place prior to the public meeting. I have yet to see an agenda item beginning with "Disapprove", which would also suggest prior deliberation - outside an open meeting - has already occurred. In fact, the Council has several actions it may take, not just one to "Approve", such as NOT approving, abstaining from a vote, recommending to a committee, tabling indefinitely, etc.

Moreover, writing agenda items as "Approve" presumes that if you co-sponsor a resolution, and the consideration of the resolution is listed as "Approve", it could be suggested a "walking quorum" took place in which members decided to "approve" a resolution instead of merely "considering" a resolution. This could be what was behind a recent refusal by the Agenda office to my request to be listed as a co-sponsor of a Resolution. If I co-sponsor a resolution, I do NOT surrender my right to vote any way I wish, and I would if certain new information were presented in open meeting, or if unacceptable amendments were made to the original resolution.

Are the any other thoughts on this?

Re: Change Agenda Office language from "Approve" to "Conside

Posted: Thu Feb 12, 2015 7:37 pm
by Ann Kitchen

Re: Change Agenda Office language from "Approve" to "Conside

Posted: Fri Feb 13, 2015 6:08 pm
by Don Zimmerman
Along the same lines -- it should be more precise to say the "Consent" agenda is actually the "No Discussion" agenda; in practice, we agree those so-called consent items are clear (or unclear) enough - at least to council members - that we know how to vote -- for, against, or abstention, without deliberation.

I'm believing more that in some critical purchasing resolutions, the information required for due diligence may not be discovered because of "anti-lobbying" ordinance or some other reason. Without critical information, it's not possible make an informed vote for or against, so Abstention is the most rational choice.