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One Two East, excerpt from the Villager

Posted: Wed Apr 13, 2016 3:14 pm
by Christopher Hutchins
It takes a village...

"25 years ago the East 11th Street Village association formed to help protect East Austin, applied for and was granted a new zoning called "Neighborhood Conservation Combining District (NCCD)." This zoning was designed to change some of the development codes in the area while protecting the historical nature of the area.

...Currently, there is a development proposed for the corner of East 11th to East 12th Street that would completely cut off the view of downtown from East Austin. There is a movement on by the new residents of the area to 'Make sure the neighborhood stays a neighborhood.' They are not in support of the increased height and floor-to-area ratio that is being requested."

- Tommy Wyatt, The Villager, 2.12.2016