Budget Work Session Schedule

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Colleen Pate
Posts: 148
Joined: Mon Jan 09, 2023 1:22 pm

Budget Work Session Schedule

Post by Colleen Pate »


Thank you for a productive Budget Work Session. I wanted to recap our discussion on the remaining Budget Work Sessions.

Thursday, August 3rd – Cancelled

Friday, August 4th:
Our goal is to have all Council Budget Questions submitted by 6:00 pm. We know that we will need to be flexible as additional questions will likely come up.

Monday, August 7th:
We set a goal of filing all proposed Budget Amendments and Budget IFCs by Monday, August 7th at 6:00 pm.

The goal is to allow for us to all have a feel for potential amendments and IFCs so that there’s more transparency for us and the public, and give sufficient time to allow staff to try and prepare fiscal notes for our proposals so that we will be able to determine budget impacts. And, of course, this should make our discussions more complete and increase efficiency.

Proposed budget amendments can be filed with Katie Stewart in the Budget Office at katie.stewart@austintexas.gov catie.powers@austintexas.gov.

Proposed budget IFCs can be filed with Catie Powers in the Agenda Office at catie.powers@austintexas.gov.

Please also post proposed Budget Amendments and Budget IFCs on the Message Board.

“Budget Amendments” are items where a Council Member seeks to amend an appropriation in the budget. This could be by increasing it, reducing it or eliminating it. The amendment will need to be drafted like we do amendments in the ordinary course so that it will flow into the body of the main motion (the Budget Ordinance).

“Budget IFCs” are items from a Council Member that address policy that a member wishes to be made as part of the budget process. That includes direction to the City Manager and our professional staff. The procedures we use for IFCs generally will apply. For example, an IFC will need four sponsors. Please make sure the IFC is germane to the budget.

To assure transparency and openness, Budget Amendments and Budget IFCs need to be in writing. This process will allow each of us to have a good idea of what to expect and not be surprised. It will also be good for the public and staff to know what is being contemplated.

Tuesday, August 8th:
We will use this Work Session as a Q & A session to get answers to any remaining unanswered questions. We will also have the opportunity for Council to discuss proposed amendments and IFCs.

Thursday, August 10th:
This is the “Amendment and IFC day. The purpose is to have each Council Member publicly lay out any proposed Budget Amendments and/or Budget IFCs. This will allow members to ask questions, provide comments and, in some cases, determine if we have redundant proposals or proposals that could be consolidated. The plan is to also have as many fiscal notes as possible from staff to assist in our analysis and discussion.

Thank you,

Posted on behalf of Mayor Watson
Chief of Staff, Mayor Watson's Office