Friendly Amendment to Item #45 - 11/15/2022

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Mackenzie Kelly
Posts: 76
Joined: Tue Jan 12, 2021 2:56 pm

Friendly Amendment to Item #45 - 11/15/2022

Post by Mackenzie Kelly »


Like you all, I believe that 3-1-1 and 9-1-1 are vital and critical safety tools that help to keep our residents safe and informed. As such, I want to ensure that we have the most robust tools possible.

This is why I'm putting forth an amendment for item #45 on today's agenda. This amendment asks the City Manager to determine if the translation service technology that we requested in resolution No. 20221027-065 ( ... ?id=396178) could also be implemented for 3-1-1 services and explores the potential of these services being used as an enterprise solution for other city departments.

I would invite you to support this important technology within 3-1-1 and possibly other city departments by supporting this amendment in an attempt to give the whole community the tools they need to be safe and informed.

Thank you Council Member Fuentes for accepting this amendment as friendly and agreeing to incorporate it with the original item, as I am unable to make it to today's meeting due to being ill.

Amendment - CM Kelly: ... 123011.pdf

Warm regards,

Council Member, District 6