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Item 38 - Council Calendar

Posted: Wed Sep 28, 2022 5:25 pm
by Alison Alter

I would like to propose an alternate Council Calendar - see ... 171126.pdf. This version removes one proposed council meeting just before budget and replaces it with 2 budget work sessions the week of August 1 and then makes August 8 and 10th budget work session days (instead of just the 9th). This proposal also moves the November 16th meeting to November 9th to avoid a conflict with the National League of Cities meeting being held November 16-18th in Atlanta in 2023. Catie Powers will distribute the table version and this annual view tomorrow as well.

While not marked on the calendar, I would recommend reserving Friday, July 21st, in the event that our July 20th meeting involves an extra large agenda.

Alison Alter