Council Meeting Dates

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Paige Ellis
Posts: 106
Joined: Mon Jan 14, 2019 4:37 pm

Council Meeting Dates

Post by Paige Ellis »

Dear Colleagues,

During this week’s work session, we are posted to discuss the 2023 Council meeting dates. At the end of 2022, when approving the 2023 calendar, CM Alison Alter flagged that Council may wish to revisit the meeting dates once the new dais was seated, especially with regards to the timing of Council meetings around Budget adoption. I agree and am glad for the opportunity tomorrow to take another look.

In particular, the 2023 Council calendar has us scheduled to have a regular Council meeting on August 24, the Thursday immediately after Budget adoption (August 16-18). Given the importance of the Budget process and the degree of attention it demands, and out of respect for our newer colleagues who have not been through Budget before, I propose we consider shifting the August 24 Council meeting to August 31. We currently have a Mobility Committee meeting scheduled for August 31, which could be moved up to Aug 24, swapping dates with the full Council meeting.

*If possible, colleagues, please take a look at your calendars and come to work session prepared to offer your preference on whether we keep the August 24 Council meeting or move it to August 31. Please feel free to chime in here on the message board as well, if you wish.*

Pros of Aug 31 instead of Aug 24:
Undivided attention on the Budget during Budget adoption
Sufficient time to prepare for the subsequent Council meeting
Creates a back-to-back meeting with the Sept 7 meeting
Extends time between July 20 meeting and next regular Council meeting

For reference, the entire 2023 Council meeting calendar can be found here: ... ?id=396982

Paige Ellis
Paige Ellis
City Council District 8