Friendly Amendment, Item 40 - Extreme Weather Shelters

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Jose Velasquez
Posts: 35
Joined: Tue Jan 17, 2023 2:35 pm

Friendly Amendment, Item 40 - Extreme Weather Shelters

Post by Jose Velasquez »


Below you will find a friendly amendment to Council Member Kelly's IFC related to extreme weather shelters. This amendment directs the City Manager to provide recommendations on how to accommodate on-site or remote shelter registration. It also asks for recommendations on how to implement a waiver of the registration requirement should the City or County issue a State of Disaster declaration.

Thank you, CM Kelly, for bringing this item forward. ... 193813.pdf

CM Velásquez
Council Member, District 3
Jose Velasquez
Posts: 35
Joined: Tue Jan 17, 2023 2:35 pm

Re: Friendly Amendment, Item 40 - Extreme Weather Shelters

Post by Jose Velasquez »


After discussing with CM Kelly's office, we have incorporated some minor changes to the initial amendment draft. Below you will find a version 2 with clarifying changes to the first version highlighted in yellow. ... 121841.pdf

Thank you,
CM Velásquez
Council Member, District 3