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City Staff Training Issue

Posted: Wed May 13, 2015 4:57 pm
by Steve Adler

Below is the statement I released this morning:

“I was shocked to learn of this training last night. Trading in these kinds of stereotypes about women is hurtful and wrong. I am fortunate to serve on this historic first 10-1 council. I’m looking into this matter, as this kind of misguided “training” does not represent Austin and its inclusive values.”

I have since learned this morning that a member of my staff walked into the “training” session. She told me the comments of the presenters made her uncomfortable and that she posed questions to the presenters and was able to help steer the conversation to a constructive place.

As part of this ongoing discussion, I sent my staff the following email and link:

"RE: prejudice stereotypes and the "training"

I was shocked to learn of the “training” event. This kind of stereotyping is hurtful and wrong. It is damaging. This does not represent Austin values, my values, or the values of our office.
This is something we need to discuss at the retreat, both with regard to the substance and our internal office process.

There is no innocent use of such stereotypes. And is not only wrong to perpetuate such stereotypes, it is also wrong to witness in silence the use of such stereotyping since it could imply or suggest acceptance or acquiescence. I expect everyone involved in this office to do neither.

Please make sure that any such activity is addressed. And when it involves anyone associated with city government, it needs to be brought to my attention right away.

Please watch this video clip of a speech I gave at an ADL dinner a few years ago. "
