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Item 3 Mobility Bond Ordinance

Posted: Wed Aug 10, 2016 2:00 pm
by Steve Adler

I appreciate the past few weeks of discussion regarding setting ballot language for the mobility bond and hope to move that conversation forward.

Following the staff’s recommended form, staying consistent with what we approved in June but making small changes to reflect points made by Council about better reflecting the June approval, I offer the following draft ordinance for calling the Mobility Bond election (labeled “Item #3 Revised Ordinance”), and a resolution providing direction to the staff on how the mobility bond shall be implemented. This language is currently under review by bond counsel and the law department.

If you have suggestions for changes that would make the ordinance and resolution better align with the June 23rd resolution, please let me know.

After hearing public testimony on Thursday, let’s see if the council is ready to approve the ordinance (at least on initial readings), allowing for further Council discussion at next week’s council worksession, and the opportunity to approve the final ordinance at our meeting on the 18th. The resolution will be posted for council consideration at the August 18th meeting (since there’s no posting for it on the 8/11 agenda). ... 35745.docx ... 35821.docx
