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Request mobility comm. review of Leander ISD road project

Posted: Fri Apr 24, 2015 11:03 am
by Don Zimmerman
CM Colleagues,
Here is a copy of a letter we just sent regarding a road project LISD had been considering prior to the 10-1 council election.
I'm requesting the Mobility Committee to take up a potential Resolution based on content of this message.

Mr. Marc Ott, Austin City Manager
Re: Letter from Mr. William Conrad,
Program Manager, Environmental Policy
Austin Water Utility
Austin, Texas

Dear Mr. Ott:

I have received and reviewed a letter from Mr. Willie Conrad dated January 29, 2015, commenting on a preliminary draft Habitat Conservation Plan submitted by the Leander Independent School District (LISD) to the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (Service) in connection with LISD's proposal to construct a second access route to the Vandegrift High/Four Points Middle school campus. I also received and reviewed the response to Mr. Conrad’s comments provided by LISD's counsel. Candidly, I’m troubled that city staff apparently expended substantial City resources on commenting on the preliminary draft Plan, which had not even been released for public comment. Moreover, I’m quite surprised that staff proceeded in this manner without any coordination with Council in Districts 6 and 10, where the road project was proposed.

From my perspective LISD's proposal appears to have merit in several respects. It appears to be a necessary health and safety improvement with manageable environmental consequences, which LISD has committed to mitigate. I also believe that the road would provide collateral benefit as a fire break and/or line of defense in the inevitable event that a Steiner-like fire erupts in the Bull Creek Basin. I’m having difficulty understanding how it is that such a project cannot be readily accommodated in an established infrastructure corridor. I firmly believe that conservation of endangered species and protection of public health and safety can and must co-exist.

I’m requesting that in the future, remarks touching BCP questions on this proposed access route will be closely coordinated with Council, especially District 6 and 10. In particular, I expect that staff will coordinate with us on any further comment or action relative to the LISD proposal.


Don Zimmerman
Council Member
District 6