CM Tovo availability

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Kathie Tovo
Posts: 128
Joined: Thu Oct 30, 2014 11:18 am

CM Tovo availability

Post by Kathie Tovo »

Dear Colleagues,

As I mentioned in our budget session last week and work session this week, I am facing a very serious family medical issue. At another point in my time on Council, I might have taken family leave; however, given the critical nature of the issues before our Council at the moment, it’s my intent to try to participate in as many of the public hearings and Council meetings as I can in the weeks ahead while also supporting my family members during this time.

That being said, for at least the next several weeks, I will need to be off the virtual dais or, at times, present via audio only. My staff will be following all of the proceedings live, and I will continue to follow up with the meeting videos and transcripts to review any public comments or Council deliberations I may have missed.

I appreciate all of the well wishes I have received from members of the public and my colleagues, and I thank you in advance for your understanding and support.

Council District 9
Ann Kitchen
Posts: 294
Joined: Fri Jan 09, 2015 4:04 pm

Re: CM Tovo availability

Post by Ann Kitchen »

Thank you CM Tovo.

Your dedication is appreciated - and please know that we are here to provide support. We are thinking about you and your family during this difficult time

Best Regards
Ann Kitchen
City Council D5
Ann Kitchen
Council Member District 5
Jimmy Flannigan
Posts: 85
Joined: Thu Jan 12, 2017 8:44 am

Re: CM Tovo availability

Post by Jimmy Flannigan »

Thank you for your continued dedication, CM Tovo, during a difficult time. Please know that you are in my thoughts and prayers and I also want to offer any help you or your staff needs with city business. We may fight, but we fight like family. Please consider District 6 at the ready to assist.
Jimmy Flannigan
Council Member, District 6
Alison Alter
Posts: 220
Joined: Fri Jan 13, 2017 3:52 pm

Re: CM Tovo availability

Post by Alison Alter »

Dear Council Member Tovo,

Know that we are holding you and your loved ones in our hearts and wishing you strength and solace. If we can be of any support to you, please let us know.

The City is well-served by your contributions, and I am grateful for your wisdom and discernment as we navigate these significant challenges and opportunities.

Alison Alter
Council Member, District 10