Code Next work session 06/07

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Steve Adler
Posts: 533
Joined: Fri Jan 16, 2015 2:12 pm

Code Next work session 06/07

Post by Steve Adler »


For our Wednesday June 7 worksession, I offer the specific questions below related to the posted topics. Please post any related specific questions you may have in advance of the worksession.

June 7, 2017
1-3 p.m.

McMansion, with modeling

- Do the new form controls in transect zones offer more or less flexibility as compared to current McMansion rules for expansions or major renovations of existing single family homes?
- Are there options for adjusting form controls in residential transect zones so as to encourage the expansion or renovation of existing housing stock rather than demolitions and construction of totally new housing stock?

Compatibility, with modeling

- We have heard the claim that the proposed new code and map would allow 6 storey buildings next to single family homes. Is this correct?
- Within the proposed zoning map, are there any instances of sites zoned T5 located adjacent to T3, LMDR, or less intense residential zones? If so, where? How would compatibility be achieved in such an instance? How does this differ from current compatibility standards?
Alison Alter
Posts: 212
Joined: Fri Jan 13, 2017 3:52 pm

Re: Code Next work session 06/07

Post by Alison Alter »

Broadly speaking, I am interested in seeing models of different scenarios that would help us understand the mass, scaling and density of the proposed code in particular instances.

I have the following questions for work session tomorrow:

1. What other tools were considered for management of scale/massing?
2. What information have we analyzed to understand the number of homes that would be made nonconforming in terms of building envelope in central Austin neighborhoods?
3. If a single family structure becomes non-conforming upon adoption of the new code, how will that property be treated if they desire to do an addition to or a remodel of an existing structure? Will that process become simpler than it is now?
4. How will additions to existing structures work with new building envelope restrictions?
5. Do parking setbacks apply to surface parking or just structures? We need to have this answered in order to model correctly.

Alison Alter
Council Member, District 10
Kathie Tovo
Posts: 128
Joined: Thu Oct 30, 2014 11:18 am

Code Next 06/07 Tovo: McMansion

Post by Kathie Tovo »

In addition to the questions CM Alter submitted about remodels, I am interested in seeing modeling that compares the Single Family Compatibility Ordinance Requirements (ie. McMansion) under:

(1) existing single family 3 regulations
(2) Transect Zoning 3 Intermediate Setback / Transect Zoning 4 Intermediate Setback
(3) non-transect residential zoning Low Density Residential (LDR) / Low-Medium Density Residential (LMDR)

Using either a 50' x 115' tract or a 60' x 100' tract for the example above (whichever is more typical citywide), please also indicate for each example:

*maximum number of units allowed
*total residential square footage
*total Floor-to-Area ratio
*required number of parking spaces
*total allowable impervious cover

Please indicate any other changes proposed under the new code; for example, the removal of side-wall articulation as a requirement.
Council District 9
Kathie Tovo
Posts: 128
Joined: Thu Oct 30, 2014 11:18 am

Code Next 06/07 Tovo: Compatibility

Post by Kathie Tovo »

Here are some of my questions regarding compatibility for tomorrow's (now today's) session:

(1) Please model the following scenarios:

Current code:
Limited Office within 35’ of a residence, when that residence is across a 30’ street.
Limited Retail within 35’ of a residence, when that residence is across a 30’ street.

Proposed new code:
T4MS within 35’ of a residence, when that residence is across a 30’ street from the T4MS zone.
T5MS within 35’ of a residence, when that residence is across a 30’ street from the T5MS zone.

For each scenario, please show the maximum building height for both the residential and the commercial structure.

(2) Please provide information, or modeling, to illustrate how compatibility would work around alleys in transect zones.

(3) Please provide details to help illustrate the difference in compatibility among transect zones, non-transect zones, and current code.

(4) Which level of compatibility applies in areas where parcels have both transect and non-transect zoning?

(5) Citizens Advisory Group (CAG) member Susan Moffat has submitted several pages of detailed points and questions regarding compatibility; she has also noted current compatibility provisions absent in the new code. Likewise, the CAG voted to recommend several modifications regarding compatibility. I would like to discuss these.
Council District 9